Hemp porridge... gluten free, high protein and keto!

I often fall into the routine of a more intermittent fasting style of eating... I naturally workout fasted in the morning (on workout days) and simply don't get hungry until late morning (my 1.5 litres of morning lemon water may have something to do with that?) I'm not strict about it so if I get peckish or the structure of my day calls for it I will still eat earlier.

Anyway... my point is that my first meal of the day is often a brunch or 'big snack' and so breakfasts that can double up as lunch, a snack and be eaten hot or cold are always a bonus, plus if they offer a nice protein hit that's great too... especially after a workout!

This yummy hemp seed porridge has been part of my routine nearly every day since I discovered it about a week ago. It's a fantastic source of protein and easy to keep the carbs low to fit my keto experiment. To help with that I use my crushed frozen raspberry trick to add colour and flavour with just a three of 4 berries. The recipes I found in the blogosphere didn't include cauliflower but i've added it because I wanted extra volume and because (as you well know) I like to sneak in veggies wherever I can!

Add any toppings you fancy, and of course if you aren't following a super low carb or sugar free diet then you can swap the stevia (since some don't like the taste or want a sweeter snack) for a tablespoon of syrup of choice.

Recipe: Hemp and cauli porridge

Serves 1


  • 1/4 cup shelled hemp seeds
  • 1/4 cup finely grated cauliflower
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbs ground flax or chia seeds
  • 1 tbs almond butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • punch salt
  • 2-4 drops stevia to taste (or sub up to 1 tbs syrup)
  • toppings of choice: I used three frozen raspberries and a few chopped almonds


Mix hemp, along milk and grated cauliflower in a small sauce pan and bring to the boil, simmer gently for up to five minutes until cauliflower is cooked.  Towards the end of the cooking time add remaining ingredients and stir until mixed and thickened.

Pour into a serving bowl and add your toppings. Eat immediately. Can also be chilled.

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Hemp and almond chocolate bites


Flax focaccia... sweet and savoury!