Crazy 'porridge-thats-not-really-a-porridge'!

For the month of November I went grain free, it's almost come to its end and I will report in more detail next week, but other than a couple of mini slip-ups it's been pretty much plain sailing.

The main thing I knew I needed to get my head around was breakfast, and in particular porridge (and stuffing handfuls of granola in my face!). This wasn't too difficult really since I knew I could make buckwheat and quinoa porridge versions but it's also nice to change things up from using those food which are grey areas for some on a grain feee diet.  Also, I have been experimenting with low carb quite a bit and so wanted an alternative option.

Sometimes I enjoy a green smoothie for breakfast, and then just pick at things during the morning until lunch, hmmmm not always the best plan but often what happens when I am making Wholeplus goodies. However when I have a proper breakfast, I love something warm and comforting, particularly during the winter.

This crazy 'porridge' concoction really knocked my socks off And even my mum, who is usually pretty sceptical when it comes to my crazy vegetable combinations, actually agreed it was pretty good and couldn't even guess the main ingredient initially! The textures are spot on with the softness of the cauliflower and the chewier desiccated coconut. 

Once I added some cinnamon, vanilla, a handful of berries and a little sweetness you'd never know that the trusty old cauliflower had been up to his old tricks again hiding in my meals!  The best bit is it's so easy... just like making regular porridge really.

Now I want to know your craziest way to make a bowl of 'porridge-thats-not-really-a-porridge'!

I have made so many 'hidden cauliflower' recipes now... is should write a book ;-)  

Here you can find more recipes I have tagged with cauliflower. (some are normal... some a little more off the wall!)

Recipe: Cauli-coconut porridge

Serves 1-2


  • 1 cup cauliflower grated finely

  • ½ cup coconut milk (or other)

  • ½ cup dessicated coconut

  • spices- ½ tsp cinnamon or vanilla to taste

  • 1 tbs syrup of choice or sugar free berry jam

  • Berries or others toppings- optional


Add all ingredients to a medium saucepan, bring to the boil then simmer for approx. 5 minutes until cooked. Blend slightly with a stick blender if you prefer a smoother texture.

coc-cauli porridge 2A.jpg

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