Flax focaccia... sweet and savoury!

Once of my first keto experiments was the flax focaccia bread from Leanne's book. I wanted an easy snack recipe that I could eat on it's own (with almond butter!) or add as a extra boost to meals. I had to make some adaptations to make it vegan since the original recipe uses eggs, therefore the texture is likely not to be so 'fluffy' but it still tasted good to me!

I also decided to experiment with a second batch as a semi-sweet version using ground ginger. Since flax is quite a powerful flavour, I needed to use a spice that could hold its own work as a compliment. I also used vanilla bean for an edge of softenss and molasses … Well, just because gingerbread and molasses go hand-in-hand and you only need a tiny touch to get the depth of flavour.

Even though I call this a 'sweet' bread, it really is only very lightly sweet since I used only pure stevia and no other form of sweetness. If you are not on a strict low-carb diet then I would suggest adding 2 tablespoons of syrup or coconut sugar to taste.

I enjoyed this gingerbread version with plain soy yoghurt that I had also mixed with vanilla. Don't skip on the pecans, they really add a lovely touch to the bread and give great crunch. Pecans always remind me of caramel and toffee... I guess that's what they are often paired with, so for me they psychologically conjure up a hint of extra sweetness!

The savoury focaccioa slices makes a great side for a salad... the bowl in these pictures was a combo of lots of low carb raw veggies (plus a few tomatoes for a flavour pop), some homemade saurekraut plus an olive dressing mixed with a little water to make a drizzle sauce.

Recipe: Keto flax focaccia- sweet and savoury

This recipe is adapted from Leanne’s book- Keto Beginning

Makes 1 8” round cake pan


  • 1 cup ground flax

  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ¼ cup almond butter/tahini

  • ¼ cup warm water

  • 2 tbs coconut oil

  • Chia seeds for topping (savoury version)

For sweet version:

  • Reduce salt to a pinch

  • Add: 1 tbs ginger, 1 tsp vanilla bean powder, 1 tsp molasses and few drops stevia to taste.

  • A handful of toasted pecans.


Mix the flax, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl and set aside. (plus add ginger vailla for sweet version)

Melt the coconut oil and almond butter/tahini into the warm water (plus stevia and molasses for sweet version)

Mix the wet into the dry until well mixed then spoon the mixture into prepared baking pan- I used a round 8” silicone cake tray. Smooth the top with the back of a spoon, spinkle over the chia or reds in the pecans and transfer the pan to the preheated oven. Bake bread for 15-20 minutes, until top is lightly browned.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before lifting from the tin. Allow to cool fully before slicing.

Store in the fridge or freezer.

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