Pumpkin apple baked oatmeal pudding

Hello...back again with recipes, sorry i've been slow to post recently. I have soooo many recipes i want to share but struggling for time to actually get them out on to the blog and into the world. For those you don't already follow me on Instagram... please come and find me as I usually post my recipes and experiments on my feed straight after creation so you wont have to wait so long to be inspired!! 

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On to todays post. I warn you now, you may well have a load of pumpkin recipes fly you way in the next few weeks since they were selling off the Halloween pumpkins off for 10p in my local supermarket… I literally couldn't resist and bought three! I now have a freezer full of pumpkin purée so I'd better get experimenting!  

I figured the carving pumpkins probably aren't as refined in flavour as the squashes and pumpkins specifically grown the culinary purposes however its still pumpkin after all, and when puréed and added into sweet and savoury dishes it does the job just perfectly.

So first up and little single (or double serving) spiced apple and pumpkin oatbake. Super yummy. I made a small version as i wasn't sure how it would turn out but i needn't have worried and i can't wait to make this bressert again!

Totally healthy, lightly sweet, with warming spices... perfect served piping hot for those cold chilly mornings. I enjoyed this after a green smoothie first thing and then had this as a treat late morning! I was so excited it was as yummy as it looked when i came out of the oven. This is a dense and gooey pudding-style baked oatmeal, almost undercooked in the centre just the way I like it! It was perfectly sweet enough for me but you can easily adapt to taste. You could also double up the recipe to serve more if you wish.

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Recipe: Pumpkin apple baked oatmeal

Serves 1-2


  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • ¼ cup finely chopped dates or date paste*
  • approx ¼ cup apple juice
  • ¼ tsp pure stevia (or to taste)
  • ½ cup oats
  • 1 tsp mixed spice
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • 1 apple- half grated and half chopped (add last)


Mix wet ingredients together and then add the dry and mix well. Chop/grate the apple and add the grated portion to the mix. Add a little extra apple juice if the mixture seems to thick (it wants to loo quite thick and chunky).

Spoon into a small (approx 12cm) pie dish and press the chopped apple chunks into the top. Sprinkle with extra cinnamon (or sweetener) if desired.

Bake at 180C for approx 20 mins until golden, the centre will still be quite soft and pudding like. Serve into a bowl (or two) or allow to cool slightly and eat straight from the dish (recommended). Since there is no oil in the mixture may have a tendency to stick to the dish. ( I ate from the dish anyway)

*you could use 3tbs of unrefined sugar such as coconut sugar or rapadura instead of the dates.


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Exciting recipe for the Virtual Vegan Potluck Party to come your way on Saturday....keep a look out, I promise you wont be disappointed with my offering!

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Dark chocolate forest fruit cake​...Virtual Vegan Potluck!


Today is World Kindness Day