Today is World Kindness Day

I had planned a recipe for today.


Today is World Kindness Day. 


A day that encourages individuals to overlook boundaries, race and religion. According to modern psychology, altruistic acts increases our own happiness in a profound way.

This shoud also be a day of being kind to yourself. Overlook the imperfections, fight back against the negative speak... acknowledge you are already good enough whilst still being a work in progress.

Kindness to yourself also open the door for your kindness to others. You open your heart to let others in more fully than you could have done before.

An act of kindness can never be too big or too small, it costs nothing and can never be wasted. All the grandest intentions in all the world mean nothing without an action… kindness is your action and it can make the world of difference.

Take five minutes to think.

What act of kindness can you set in motion today? An action for yourself and an action for another. The simple act of kindness is your greatest gift.


(p.s I promise a recipe tomorrow and I hope this little post also made up for the lack of yesterday's Mantra!)



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