Ep. 1 The Magic In The Messy Podcast

So, I’m launching a podcast!

Full disclosure, when I first started to use that word (rather than just audio recordings as I had previously called them) I felt like a fraud!

I saw people who had their own podcasts as people who ‘had their shit together’, who knew the ‘proper’ technicalities and best practices and that I was just making it up as I went along.

I told myself time and time again over the last couple of years that I am a writer not a podcaster, having been blogging since 2011 and having had various articles published that feels legit to me… but to share my voice, to be a ‘podcaster’ that kicked up all kinds of dialogue in my head. Holding me back and keeping me small for too long.

But that’s the truth of it. It is only dialogue, (boring) stories I am telling myself.

So to give myself a quick reality check to fend off the fear, I googled ‘definition of a podcast’

“A digital audio or video file or recording, usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer”

It’s that simple AND that is exactly what I am doing…. I realise everything else was self judgement and expectations I’d created.

So, I’m launching a podcast full of raw vulnerable thoughts and conversations! (and i’ll be blogging them too).

I have no idea where this will lead me, or how it will evolve, but I am excited to find out and to be sharing this journey with you… beyond words on a page!

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You can listen to my intro episode below or via your favourite podcast platform…

Welcome to The Magic In The Messy!

This podcast began as a series of raw unfiltered and totally unedited 'brains dumps' recorded as simple voice notes on my phone as an outlet for processing my own thoughts on what it means to dig beneath the surface and live life on my own terms.

Slowly I began to share these vulnerable words with clients and followers who resonated with the messages within, then when I began creating conversations with others as research for a book the energy changed gear but the overall message remained - In order to reach the magic in our lives we need to be willing to embrace the messy along the way!

Now I'm ready to share it all with you too. I'm Jo Hodson and I invite you to jump on board and embrace the #messymagic

If my words resonate with you, I would love you to subscribe to your favourite channels below and please do chime in with your thoughts and comments… let’s keep this conversation going!

Funny story side note…

When I decided I was going to finally put a podcast out there in the world. I chatted to a couple of good friends who I look up to in the world of podcast (Nathan Seaward and Henry Johnstone, I’m looking at you) for advice - where to start, how to approach it, the best kit and platforms etc.

I bought a good microphone set up my space and got going.

I had already recorded a number of interviews as well as the necessary additional parts to piece the intro/outro together ready to launch whilst away for three weeks in Spain on a working holiday.

I create the files, wrote up the accompanying blog posts, uploaded the audio…. and then realised I hadn’t recorded an intro episode. It felt important for me to share the ‘why’ behind the podcast before anything else.

But now here I was in Spain, in the middle of the countryside, with just my basic apple earbud headphones and integral mic.

So much for ‘being a professional’…

I lay meditating in the sunshine for an hour, allowing the words to land in my mind, wondering what to do, then I grabbed my phone and my headphones, hit ‘record’ on the voice notes app and just let the words flow.

This introductory episode is the direct result of that moment. It was a beautiful reminder for just how simple this process can be.

You don’t need fancy kit (although it sometimes helps), you don’t need lots of technical knowledge (just enough to start), you don’t need to plan and script what to say (you just need to tune in to your ‘why’ and trust the process).

So I set the precedent for how I mean to go on. The dance of the messy and the magical.


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Ep. 2 Ann Skinner : Failing Forward As A Graceful Way To Live


Feeling totally exposed even in my own private company