Drink Up Challenge.... swap out the sugar!

We're into week two of my Summer Drink-Up Challenge... and this is where is gets really interesting! Week one was all both creating awareness and increasing water intake... the process of adding in and not taking away.

Reflecting back to the reason I wanted to create the challenge, it was the idea that so many people focus on eating a healthy diet, yet the choice of beverage is often overlooked. 

Whether it be the indulgent takeout coffee from Costa, a couple of cans of Coke or even the sugar laden protein shake you chug down after your epic gym workout. 

Many of these beverages could be seen as ‘meals’ in themselves themselves and even those that aren’t of that caloric density often contain huge amounts of sugar or chemicals sweeteners that mess with our bodies and minds just as powerfully as eating the wrong types of foods.

This what I’m passionate about.

I’m passionate about helping you create curiosity and awareness around your choices, make simple swaps that will super-charge life without feeling restricted or compromised. I’m not saying you need to give it all up, of course not! But it’s about making that choice to be informed and in control.

All week all week long over in the Facebook event group I’ll be posting links to recipes, tips and information to help inspire your creativity in all forms of beverages. I'd love you to join us there ... still plenty of time to take part!

I was also inspired by fellow healthy vegan bloggers who have created their ow versions of some of the classic. I have shared them below with permission.

Some top tips for cutting back on the refined sugars and chemicals...

  1. use fruit tea bags mixed with fizzy water (plus a little sweeter as necessary and wean yourself back over time)

  2. make your own shakes and smoothies with fruits and nut butters...BUT remember to that those as a meal not a drink!

  3. coconut water is perfect for hydration and it's naturally sweet and mild flavour makes great option when blended with other fruit such as berries, lemon, lime or ginger. 

  4. vanilla goes the impression of sweets in food and drink so get creative.


These are my favourite fruit and coconut water blends. Sweetness without too much fruit.

Healthy recipes from around the web!

Are you in to juicing? Check out this Citrus Energizer by Mason Jar Salads

Are you a kombucha fan?  Why not add it to a very smoothie by Veganosity

Protein peanut butter banana smoothie are always a winner by Win-Win Food

Or why not this peach cobbler protein desert shake by Noshed

Pink lemonade for classic summer time chilling by Ribas With Love

You can never go wrong with simple strawberry milk (try each and mango too!) by Peppers and Peaches

A skinny choc shake.. a great base for flavour options! By Simple Green Moms

Lavender lemonade gives a refreshing summer twist by Green Evi

Fruit Kool aid without the crap by Lexie's Kitchen

Last but not least... I am loving this spin on orange squash! by Kiip Fit

What would be your perfect summer time beverage? 

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Coconut Macadamia milk