Healthy Pimms... with a quirky ingredient!

One of the ladies who joined my 30 Day Summer Drink Up Challenge (we're in the final week now!) suggested this idea to me last week. At the time it had me intrigued and I thought it sounded pretty genius but I wanted to test it out for myself to see what she was raving about!

Testing done and I concur it's pretty awesome for such a simple trick! 

It's the time of year when the weather is hotting up, so keeping hydrated becomes even more important. I's so easy to get sucked into drinking sugary sweet drinks so this is a beautiful twist on a classic and isn't really sweet at all except for a subtle aftertaste from the chopped fruits. Perfect if your taste buds prefer less sweet beverages or you are looking to make a shift. 

Open your mind and embrace its uniqueness. It's so simple, it's worth giving it a go to find out one way or the other... I loved it, but my mum wasn't such a fan.

I can't wait to hear what you think!

What's your favourite classic summer time beverage?

Recipe: Heathy 'Pimms'

Serves 3-4


  • 1 litre good quality sparkling water 
  • 1-2 tsp good quality balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbs apple, grape or cranberry juice (if desired)
  • large mixed handful of chopped strawberry, cucumber and fresh mint


Mix the lowed together and add the chopped fruit. Allow to sit for at least minutes for the flavours to infuse before adding ice to serve. Alternatively, prepare a few hours in advance and let sit in the fridge to chill and flavours to muddle a little more.

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