Hemp and almond chocolate bites

I've found that the easiest way for my to monitor my protein and carb intake whilst following a ketogenic eating plan (without continuously counting every macro) is to focus on getting the bulk of my protein via my snacks and hemp porridge as constants in my day to day routine and then focussing on maximising the low carb veggies (which is still the largest carb proportion of my day) in my main meal and green smoothie. 

High protein but low carb snacks that also qualify as a treat are therefore always going to be a winner for me!

These raw hemp and almond squares are also perfect if you are trying to minimise your sugar intake since most snacks of this type are high in fructose and packed with dates as the binding ingredient. A few drops of stevia is the only form of sweetener here, but you could add a small amount of dates or a little coconut sugar to add a touch of caramelly flavour if you prefer whilst still offering a low overall sugar content.

You could also try adding flavour extracts such as orange, rum or almond if you fancy. I often find adding flavours such as these gives the impression of sweetness and covers any potential aftertaste of stevia (for those who are sensitive to it). Make sure you use oil based extracts and not alcohol based ones in raw goodies for best flavour.

 Recipe: Hemp and almond chocolate bites

Recipe adapted from Leanne's Rum Balls

Makes approx. 10 squares/balls


  • 1 cup hemp hearts
  • ½ cup ground almonds
  • ½ cup cocoa
  • 2 tbs coconut oil
  • a few drops of stevia (or 2 tbs coconut sugar)
  • ½ tsp vanilla bean powder 


Process all ingredients together until slightly sticky and press into a small pan or roll into small balls. Press in a few extra hemp hearts to decorate. 

Chill the pressed mixture before slicing. Store in the fridge.

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Nutty keto crackers... pack in the protein!


Hemp porridge... gluten free, high protein and keto!