It's National Breakfast Week.... super speedy ideas to kickstart your mornings!

It's breakfast week... did you know?

There seems to be a day or a week or a month for pretty much everything these days... many of them pretty crazy. But breakfast week is something I can get on board with and so here I bring you lots of ideas to kickstart your morning routine.

It may surprise you to know that I actually don't often eat breakfast! WHAT?!

Let me explain, I loosely follow an Intermittent Fasting style approach (eating between 12pm and 8pm) so therefore I have a 'brunch' around midday. Not always, if I get hungry earlier then i'll eat earlier but often I'm not hungry for a few hours once I've drunk my litre of lemon water.  So in my opinion the notion that eating 'breakfast' is the most important part of the day (and even labelling meals) can be misleading, BUT I do think that skipping breakfast if you know you'll be cravings lattes and cookies come mid morning is NOT the way to go.... always have a sustaining breakfast or snacks to hand for when hunger does strike!

When I posted a few breakfast pics on Instagram and Facebook earlier this week I had some requests for easy morning ideas.... I figured that would make a great blog post. 

Healthy breakfast ideas that will sustain you with relying on wheat, dairy or eggs.

My top tips for a super speedy morning:

  1. Shakes and smoothies. blend the night before or the morning of. Make a big batch for a family or just a single serve. Many can be frozen for a few days. Add oats or hemp protein for sustenance. Make them green (adding cucumber and/or spinach is good for beginners) for extra nutrients and lower sugar content.

  2. Prep the night before. Overnight oats (aka bircher muesli), breakfast cookies, granola pots etc can all be assembled and kept in the fridge overnight. Eat in the morning or pack in a tub and take with you to eat when hunger strikes.

  3. Savoury options. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for a sweet treat, particularly if it's more of a lunch for me. Avocado is a great choice- good fats to fill you up. Or simply leftovers from dinner- i've been know to munch on veggie chilli or a raw salad bowl. Who's to say breakfast needs to look like breakfast!!

  4. Cakes for breakfast! I don't mean classic cakes full of sugar... more like muesli loaves or pumpkin slices. Sightly sweet loaves full of good stuff to fill you up. These can be made ahead and simply sliced to go throughout the week. They will easily last for a week or so kept airtight in the fridge.

  5. Freezer options. I freeze my green smoothies as portions in silicone muffin cups but also make healthy pancakes or smaller blinis in a batch and freeze them for a quick breakfast. Just take out the freezer the night before and team up with fruit in the morning.

  6. Yoghurt style options. Going daily free can be tricky, but there are now so many non dairy milks around it's easy. If you want a thicker yoghurt of cream you have a few options... coconut yoghurt (can be expensive), the thick part of the canned coconut milk or even cashew cream works well

  7. Get to know your nuts and seeds! It's not just good old peanut butter... almond butter and sunflower butters are also readily available. Great to slather on oatcakes or pancakes or the 'cakes' i mentioned but also blended with a little hot water to make a creamy drizzle for fruit etc. Or simple make up a pot of trail mix with mixed nuts, seeds and dried fruits for healthy snacks to hand all day... not just breakfast! 

Click on the images to go straight to the recipes!






There are some many more breakfast ideas HERE on my breakfast menu tab.

A little bonus Tip....

Wholeplus goodies! I couldn't resist this chance to mention my range of products. Sweet healthy sprinkle Toppers and instant porridge stye Hotpots are the ultimate in convenient snacking.

To honour Breakfast Week, until midnight Sunday, I am offering you all 10% off any orders across my entire range (UK purchase only) when you enter BREAKFASTWEEK at the checkout.

Get all the info on my Wholeplus range at the official website here!

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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Mantra for Monday no. 125


Health Coach Week...and back to school I go!