Health Coach Week...and back to school I go!

January 12th - 18th Jan has been recognised as NATIONAL HEALTH COACH WEEK (in America at least) which is pretty cool because it means the importance of health and more importantly the importance of heath coaches, (like me!!) takes centre stage!

"Health Coaches educate and support people to build healthy new habits and create sustainable lifestyle changes".

People often ask me 'but what does a health coach do?'

So I guess the dictionary definition would be something like this: A Health Coach is a wellness authority and supportive mentor who motivates individuals to cultivate positive health choices. Health Coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments. 

Yet for me a health coach responds to every individuals needs in a totally unique way. There is no prescribed formula. Just an open, honest blank canvas of opportunity. The only prerequisite for me is that you have to put in 100% to enable me to give you back 100%. It's a two-way process.

For me, it's all about walking with you as you discover your own joinery, being an soundboard when you need to vent or celebrate and offering ideas, solutions and opportunities to build into your everyday life.  As I say on my coaching page...

"I’ll support, you, motivate you, inspire you, question you, challenge you, walk with you, celebrate with you… and together we’ll dig deep and cultivate the real change I know you already have within you."   

I think that sums it up nicely.

I studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, the worlds largest nutrition school. I qualified last year BUT now I am going back to school again starting this week, to take my business to the next level and help me reach out to even more of you in a way that truly resonates with you. 

The health coaching course with IIN is literally life changing. I have questioned so many things about my own life over the course of the last 12 months or so, and indeed many of my fellow students had no intention of becoming health coaches but simply enrolled to empower their own lives and the lives of their families.

If you are at all interested in becoming a health coach or even simply taking a leap in helping yourself create a lifetime of wellness, ping me an email, I'm more than happy to chat to you that my experiences. at the school.


P.s Have you signed up to my newsletter yet?  I will be giving away my 'Re-boot' ebook free to my newsletter subscribers only!  There is also an exciting giveaway in collaboration with Real Food Source that is a perfect compliment to the book!  Enter it here!


Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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