Inspired in August

Berries on bushes…in pies…in my mouth. 

Long school holidays with kids playing out in the parks.

Sunny afternoons with evenings drawing shorter...

Hmmm…this last point caught me out recently when I went for a run on a glorious sunny late afternoon after the heat of the day had passed. As was jogging along listening to Chrissie Wellington A Life Without Limits and getting super inspired and energised I failed to notice the setting sun…and the fact I had no idea where I was... and then it got very dark! #embarrassing #fail

August is a funny time of year in some ways- summer sunshine, relaxation but also the niggling notion that Autumn is not so far away. Also for many the new school year is upon us and the relaxed mood changes and goals and routines come back into play. With routine comes change and with change comes a rethink, a shift, goal setting maybe?  It's a time of year for new resolutions and positive intentions and decisions, so why save these resolutions for January. I think September is a much better point in time!

I've certainly made a few decisions and have a few more to make in the next few days (I hope) …I will elaborate more in a post in the next couple of weeks once everything has been confirmed!

For now, enjoy the last few days of summer as the days slowly slip into Autumn and the changing seasons each make a play for attention.  

Here is a little recap with what inspired me this month.

Follow me on Instagram to keep up with random daily happenings, lots food and other inspirations!

  1. blackberry picking! (5-minute blackberry and apple crisp will be on the blog next week)
  2. The calm of a cathedral always quietens my busy mind.
  3. beach time....buckets and spades at the ready!! 
  4. Ha, see the irony with my green smoothie...'enjoy'
  5. This story resonated with me
  6. The beautiful Lavender farm just down the road from me
  7. Loved this book- quick versatile recipes- must try! 
  8. The Bristol Balloon Fiesta..painting the skyline
  9. Beach runs are the best!
  10. My dad and sister engrossed in a bookshop- books never fail to inspire! 




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Silent Sunday no. 86


Chocolate baked pear pudding