Chocolate baked pear pudding

I had another post scheduled for today..... but that's now been moved aside even though it was also amazing... this was just a little bit more amazinger! ;-)

Drop. whatever. you. are. doing. and. make. this. now!

You won't regret it!!

pear pud 8a.jpg

This takes just a couple of minutes to prep and then 10 minutes in the oven.... (twiddling thumbs waiting impatiently!) You can easily multiply the recipe to make lots more pots if you are serving as a dessert to guests. 

I got the original idea from Quirky Cooking when I saw an image Jo had posted on her Instagram feed of a poached pear cake. She used multiple pears in a single sponge cake, but because I was impatient and because I wanted a single-serve of a softer dessert-like variety, I put my own twist on the concept and voila.... a simple (ridiculously heathy) chocolate baked pear pudding.  Soooo so good!  

I've used oat flour as I ate this as brunch or a 'bressert' to be more precise ;-) and so wanted a oaty kick to sustain me, you could use buckwheat flour or your favourite GF flour combo.  The main thing is that the pudding is only baked until the pear turns golden and begins to wrinkle, the mixture at the base of the ramekin will still be fairly gooey and not fully cooked through like a sponge cake would be.... that makes it all the better!

I added a carob drizzle which tasted amazing too, the pear and carob combo was fab and when I make this dish again I will try subbing the cocoa for carob powder... so feel free to try either.  You could serve the pudding with chocolate sauce, vegan cream or ice-cream as you wish.

I imagine this could work with other stone fruits... If you try it another way please let me know how you get on! Unleash your creativity ;-)

For more single serving recipes ...check them out here. 

For more 'bresserts' (my favourite breakfast-dessert combo)...check them out here! 

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Recipe: Chocolate baked pear pudding

serves 1


  • 2 tbs oat flour (ground oats)

  • 1 tbs cocoa (or carob flour)

  • ½ tsp baking powder

  • 1/3 cup apple puree (or vegan yoghurt or other fruit puree)

  • 2 tsp syrup of choice or a pinch stevia (to taste) 

  • 1 tsp oil

  • approx. 1 tbs liquid (only if needed to make a smoother batter)


  • 1 small-medium pear

  • sauce for drizzle


Mix the dry ingredients to small bowl and add the wet ingredients and mix well. The mixture should be thick and fairly smooth (how smooth it is depends on the type of flour used my oat flour gave more texture).

Spoon the mix into a large ramekin (or small deep sides dish- there should be min. 1cm space beneath the rim once the pear is pushed in! to allow for a slight rise in the mixture).  Push the pear gently into the centre of the ramekin so that is at least half submerged.

Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180C until the pear is golden and the mixture is very lightly browned.

Serve with a drizzle or carob,chocolate, yoghurt, cream as desired.


P.s It was hard to get a good shot of the centre of pudding...down in the depth of the ramekin. These photos simply don't do it justice....! 

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pear pud 2a.jpg
pear pud 1a.jpg
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Inspired in August


'Rescue Remedy' Lentil Pot