Burger Salsa Salad

I loved this summer salad and it's been a great way to use up my barbecue leftovers.

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I originally made these burgers to take with me to the barbecue a couple of weeks ago, the barbecue I took this strawberry dessert cake to. I've made similar burgers in the past but I always change at the recipe a little bit each time depending on what I have to hand.

These bean burgers are actually one of my best yet, the combination of fresh rosemary and sweet potato really did it for me, I think I'm on a bit of a rosemary kick at the moment. The recipe was a bit of a throw everything in the bowl scenario, so I will be making these burgers again and post a recipe at a later date once I'm sure of ingredients and proportions. For now you can have my super simple burger salad… Use any leftover burgers and salsa dips, it's perfect for barbecue season. If you don't have a burgers recipe of your own, you can try these or these, swap ingredients in and out as you please. 

The salad was literally just a 'use whatever you have', I used mixed lettuce and spinach leaves along with a few tablespoons of this cucumber pineapple salsa that i'd also taken along to the BBQ. It added great moistness and created a dressing in itself if you;f prefer to omit the hummus drizzle. Top it all with warmed shredded burger bites you are good to go!

It was delicious. I definitely recommend making a big batch of burgers just so you have plenty of leftovers to play with!


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Recipe: Burgers Salsa Salad

 Ingredients- serves 2

  • 2-3 cooked veggie burgers of choice
  • 2 cups salad: I used a mixed of leaves and spinach
  • 1/2 cup salsa (or extra veggies)  
  • Sauce: 1 tbs hummus, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 2-3 tbs hot water- mixed


Warm the pre-coked burger in the oven or grill for a few minutes.  You can either tear them into pieces before or after warming depending on whether you want slightly crispy edges.

Meanwhile mix the hummus drizzle ingredients and set aside. 

Assemble the salad in bowls and top with the burgers pieces and drizzle last.

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Summer shepherd's pie...lightened up!


Mantra for Monday no. 80