Mantra for Monday no. 80


On Saturday I gave myself some time out, or a day out to be more specific. Over these last few weeks an months I have become gradually worse when it comes to stepping away from the computer. But it's not just the social element I deprive myself from, it's also the ability to appreciate life, to see happiness in the common things.

To step outside the bubble, look up to the sky, breathe and smile. 

It has been easier these last few days with the weather being so beautiful outside. It's as if the world is screaming at me...'look how beautiful life is' and i simple cannot fail to notice, to soak up the sun, to take a long walk (or run) through the fields and smell the flowers along the way.

And so on Saturday my day was spent beside the beach watching my brother compete in a sailing regatta. The sights, the smells, the sounds and the feel of the pebbles beneath bare feet. 

What is Mantra for Monday?


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Silent Sunday no. 80