Tropical chia summer pudding

More coconut and pineapple!

This recipe is a keeper for hot summer afternoons!  I’m planning on making this a few more times in the final lead up to my Tough Mudder event as it was so hydrating and refreshing and I’m in full on hydration mode... irrespective of the fact that the weather in England is still dull and cold most days!

This keeps well in the fridge for 2-3 days so make a double batch if you’ve got a hot spell on... and  grab a big spoonful whenever you pass the fridge!

I’m also now wondering whether this mixture could be frozen into ice lollies...that thought literally just popped into my head so I have not yet had a chance try it out....sounds like it could work?

I added a tsp of maca powder as I often try to add it into my ‘fitfood’ recipes for an extra boost and to assist adrenal recovery, but that is totally optional and won’t affect the taste or texture.

Recipe: Tropical chia summer pudding

Serves 1


1 heaped tbs white chia seeds (dark will work fine too but won’t look so pretty!)
1 banana- mashed well
1 tsp maca powder (optional)
½ cup fresh pineapple
¼ cup coconut water (or substitute regular filtered water)
Coconut sprinkles and mint to decorate (optional)


Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Or if you prefer a chunkier consists you could whip everything together lightly with a fork. (I whipped mine until almost smooth)

Allow to chill and thicken in the fridge for at least an hour before consuming.

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.
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Silent Sunday no. 74


Inspired in May