Inspired in May

May has now come and gone. Crazy. It's all been a bit much really.

Whilst this month should have been one of the most positive in my life so far, it's all felt somewhat overwhelming which has marred my ability to enjoy the moments in between…the moments that mean everything!

This month saw my 30th birthday and also saw the launch of my Wholeplus business… two huge milestones on my life. My birthday came and went in barely the blink of an eye as I felt so engulfed in being 'busy', so much so that I have yet to formally celebrate it with my family.

All experiences are there to be learnt from and built upon, and I had a wakeup call and a few moments of realisation in that time. My goals for the forthcoming year? To learn the art of relaxation, the ability to take time out, and the reasoning not to sweat the small stuff.  

All is good. Life is good and I have everything I could ever want at my finger tips…it's all in my control. 

Run with it! Catch me if you can...

See you in June!

love the pineapple peeler and spiraliser

lots of quinoa cookies

milestone reached

old photo albums...the day I was 

the melon cake was fun!

my first ever tofu and GF pizza at a vegan restaurant

lots of bowls like this!

experiments with almond paste... 3 ingredient cookies

julienning to the max!
lots of watermelon concoctions

watermelon coconut coolers

so cousins new puppy!

My dad's camera collection made me smile 
My first attempt at rice paper wraps....hmmm need practice!

Hot air ballon on a beautiful early morning run

Absolutely loving my oatmeal bakes at the moment!!

Ha ha- more photo album perusal...I always loved cameras!

Birthday girl!!

This month in pictures. You can follow my Instagram here! (i'd love to see you)

Tropical chia summer pudding


Tropical pineapple and coconut baked oatmeal