Mantra for Monday no. 14

It seemed only fitting for today’s mantra to focus on the sunshine we’ve been having these last few days and weeks. It seems the sun is warming spirits across the globe

There is always something about sunshine, the flowers,  the new life and the impending summer months ahead that brings about a sense of hope and a believe that there really is a reason to focus on the positive things in life.

 New life and a new chapter.

It is often a time for a spring clean, both physically and mentally. Shaking off the negative habits that can be so self-destructive and making fresh new plans to start over. In times of doubt, look upwards towards the sun and let it warm your cheeks and fill your soul. For there in the sunshine lie your highest aspirations. The negative will fall by the wayside, unable to flourish under the sun’s fierce gaze.

Smile. Don’t look back.

What is a Mantra for Monday?

Note: Silent Sunday no. 14It seems to have become something of a ritual, a holiday at Easter time. At this very moment I am spending time with my family in a converted lighthouse holiday cottage in Cornwall, and similarly this time last year we stayed in a gorgeous cottage on the coast in Doolin, Ireland. This was one of my favourite pictures from that trip.

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Silent Sunday no. 14