Thresholds Book

"Thresholds: 75 Stories of How Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Life"

I could start this by saying, "woooh I am so excited to be a number one best selling author". But you now what, until I held the book and looked at the beautiful cover again this morning, I had totally forgotten that was even the case. That wasn't important to me.

What is important to me? 

Sharing my story... embracing vulnerability.... exploring life's lessons... and holding out my hand to support YOU in stepping into your very best self.

At the end of 2015 I was invited to feature in a book. I was initially curious... but when the co-authors Simon and Robin described their vision for the book, I was in without a question. I knew immediately the story needed to share.

I also had a feeling that the writing of my story would create within me a sense of empowerment and closure for a time in my life that had been profoundly challenging and life changing, yet I was still holding onto, unwilling to fully let go of.

Sharing my story allowed me to step fully into myself for the very first time.

After a long journey, the book was finally release earlier this year, with the hard copies launching in just the last few weeks. To finally hold this book in my hands is an incredible reminder of how far I have come.

The book is a beautiful anthology of 75 real-life stories of 'how changing your perspective can change your life'.

"Life happens. We can't always predict how it will happen all the obstacles we will encounter along the way, but we can choose how we respond to it. We can't use our perspective"

I recorded a video that I suddenly felt called to do on the morning on May 1st 2018. It's my birthday month, always a time of great reflection for me.

I invite you...

To watch my video as I share some of my own story, buy the book (only £1.49 on Kindle at the time of writing this) and then reach to me to have a conversation about your deepest dreams. 

I invite you to acknowledge the little voice inside that yearns to be heard. Let your heart rule your head and speak out in a safe space without judgement or expectation, but with the energy to hold you to your greatest self.

Could this be your 'threshold moment'?

 Your greatest gift to me would be for you to honour your greatness within and reach out to have a conversation. 

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P.s here are a few quotes taken from my story that felt particularly powerful for me... I hope they serve you too...

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