Spreading my wings…. blog updates!

I know today is a Silent Sunday … so please forgive the intrusion, SS no. 5 will be along later on today.  I have made a few changes round here recently and I just wanted to tell you about them.

Firstly, I have tidied up my homepage. I want to keep it as simple as possible so the posts themselves could take centre stage.

I have a few neat little buttons along the top (I was very proud that I edited the html code myself!) with links to my social media pages. I have only recently joined Twitter and I really don’t know what took me so long.  I would love it if you came and joined me!

Checkout my FacebookTwitter and Pinterest pages, you can also subscribe by email or RSS feed too.

My blog is still relatively new, but I’m slowly building up my archives and I hope you agree that I have a few interesting things to catch your attention. If you like anything you’ve seen I would be hugely grateful if you could take a moment to share it so that others can join in also and I can begin to grow and spread my wings…..!

Here are a few of the most popular recipes you might have missed …..have a little browse!

I now also have a Recipage which makes searching through my recipes soooo much easier… you can search by type, ingredient, alphabetically…. It is a great resource. Please have a look and let me know what you think.

You may have noticed that I don’t include the nutritional information alongside my recipes. This is simply because, for me, it is all about the nutritional quality of the ingredients and not about the overall numbers. I think numbers can sometime be misleading, for example nuts have an amazing nutritional status and the good fats we need for everyday health…but the numbers would be higher due to these fats. So I eat what feels right for me as long as I know I am putting good wholesome ingredients in! 

However, I do appreciate that for many of you, understanding the statistics in important.  So in order to assist in making this a little simpler I have included a new recipe nutrition calculator in my side bar. You can type in up to 6 key ingredients in a recipe and it will provide you with the comparative information. If you do find this useful please let me know as I’d love to know how to get on with it.

I have also added two new page tabs: ‘Where to find me’ provides a little summary of the places I tend to pop up most. ‘Wellbeing’ is a new page and a new direction I am keen to head towards. As I’ve often mentioned, life is a constant balance along the path to achieving happiness. Food is just one part of that holistic experience both physically and mentally, so I simply want to tap into that side of things a little more- hence th Silent Sunday and  Mantra for Monday posts. I’d be really interested to know how you felt about this side of things, as the development of this blog over time is as much for others as it is for me.

I’d really love to hear your thoughts.

I have so many more ideas and discoveries with new products and companies I am keep to share with you, but for now I’ll leave it at that…..I’ll fill you in on everything else shortly.

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Silent Sunday no.5


Homemade Granola- Two Ways (Banana & Nutty)