Launching... Coach On Call!

I officially launched a new service last week... did you see it ? :-)

Well, technically it's two new services:

'Coach On Call' for wellness business owners looking for support in elevating their business.

'Health Coach On Call' for those looking for support to elevate their personal health and wellness.

When I was initially putting together the copy for the Coach On Call pages. I realised it was very difficult to describe the impact of something that for most people would be an entirely new experience.

I knew this firsthand because the clients I trialled the process with, with whom I'd shared the description on my draft sales page, admitted to me that they hadn't really understood what the point of it was initially.

Yet, by the end of their day working with me in this way, they were filled with so much excitement about how incredible the process had worked out for them.

(Listen to the audio below that shares real-time client voice notes on what the process meant for them, these notes weren’t promoted by me and I only thought to put this audio reel together in retrospect in case it could be helpful for others).


“I've never done anything like this before. This has been absolutely brilliant to focus on my business whilst letting life carry on. I'm still present at home whilst processing ideas and working on my business.” - Linda Goodchild (Creator of the Healthcare Companion)

“Working with Jo for the day was phenomenal. My head was full of procrastination because I really couldn’t see how I was going to move forward. Just having a place to share my ideas and thoughts allowed me to see the step past the ideas. This process has helped me identify my next steps and take action where I once felt overwhelm”. - JuJu O’reilly (Health Food Business Founder)


To put this new service in even greater context, I’m sharing with you my thoughts on what I think the four most powerful aspects of this process are, and why...

1) You don't need to carve out an uninterrupted hour or two.

This is a very different process from what I would traditionally call a 'Power Hour' where we thrash out what it is you're struggling with over the course of an hour. While those sessions can be amazing, this is an opportunity to have a back and forth conversation over the course of a day. These are snippets of time within a much larger timeframe. Life will be happening alongside.

2) There's no pressure.

You won't feel put on the spot, there's no need to come up with answers in the moment. There's zero pressure. This works both ways. I can serve you more powerfully When I don't feel pressure to respond on the spot. It creates much greater opportunity to really think and reflect on what it is that is being shared.

There is no video, so you don't need to do your hair or your makeup. You can even wear your pyjamas if you want to!

This is a very non-pressured and very gentle process. But don't be fooled we'll be digging deep.

I actually think that when you're not 'live' in front of someone, subconsciously the mental barriers drop away and you can actually allow yourself to be immersed in the process more deeply that you would have otherwise. It's a fascinating process.

3) Action-taking is built into this process.

In a traditional 'power hour' or 'discovery session' a lot of the action taking is hypothetical because we're talking through the things you will do after the session ends.

The problem I find with this is that whilst you're in a high energy mode in the moment whilst we're talking and generating ideas, as soon as the call ends and life takes hold and distracts you away, inevitably, the moment drifts.

Maybe the confidence drops. Maybe the clarity or the vision is lost. When hours or days later you look at your notes, you can't recall what they meant anymore.

During Coach On Call, action taking and conversation take place in the moment, all day long.

4) There is time for reflection and processing.

There is time to process and reflect on what is most meaningful to you, how it feels for you, how things are shifting.

Maybe in the middle of the day, you need to make the kids lunch or take the dog for a walk. All these pockets of time during the day when you don't feel as though you're actively working on your business or your project, is all golden time for assimilating information to process where you're at.

That reflection and processing aspect is lost a Power Hour, simply because there's not physically time for it.

So this is a very experiential and very immersive process.

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So the fact that…

  • You don't have to carve out a big chunk of time.

  • There is no pressure.

  • Action-taking is inherently part of the process.

  • There is time to reflect and process everything we're discussing in real-time

…Makes this a really unique and really powerful opportunity to work together.

Feeling curious but still not sure?

I invite you to add me on Voxer (johodson), send me a message via voice or text and i’ll happily gift you a free 15 minute taster session to answer any questions, give you some quick-fire support or simply so you can get a taster of how it could work on the day!


For full information and to book your day, follow the links below:


Tropical summer smoothie (with ginger, turmeric and baobab!)


Crispy & Crunchy Oil-Free granola (secret ingredient!!)