This is when it all started...

Two weeks ago, this came to me attention. 

Wow! This is when it all started... Wow, how time flies and how powerfully things can change...

It is now exactly four years to the day I began this blog. Four years!!!

I smile as I remember back when I'd had my blog going for a couple of weeks (back then it was purely a recipe blog as a outlet for my newfound vegan experiments) I'd posted a handful of recipes (with some awful photography!) and then I had a mental block... 

I specifically remember sitting down at the dining room table with a notepad feeling frustrated and telling myself "no way was I going to quit when I had only just started!!" I sat there and wrote a list of all the recipe ideas I could possibly think of, the list came to about 40 and I remember breathing a sigh of relief telling myself 'well at least that will be enough to see me through to the New Year'.

Seems so funny to reflect back now. These days I wake up on the middle of the night with recipe ideas flowing out of my head! 

I had no idea four years ago how much time, energy and commitment writing a blog would take. For what? Had I known back then I may have never started. I went in blind, muddling through, learning as I went along, one tiny step at a time. I had no followers and no comments for months on end... 

But I kept at it. I was determined.

I practiced, I improved, I found my voice, I grew into my own power and over time realised I was helping inspire others grow into theirs.

That kept me going. 

All I've ever wanted to do is serve you, to create and inspire curiosity. To give you permission to think differently to try new things and in doing so step into your power and create your own magic.

Your 'likes' and comments on my pages rock my world every single day! Please don't stop. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me going at times of huge doubt and allowing me to become the person I am today and will continue to become tomorrow.

I'm excited to see what the next four years will bring. Most of all I'm excited to see what magic we can create together.

I'm here. For you. Always. 


P.s if you want a little giggle... this was my first ever post! :-)

Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

 Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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