Showing up is saying 'YES' to life


I've been listening to a lot of audio by Brene Brown recently. I also have her book Daring Greatly which I am just beginning to read. She talks a lot about the concept of vulnerability which is something I am increasingly passionate about expressing in my own life buy also through discussions with others.

If you haven't come across Brene before, I highly recommend listening to this TED talk… It went viral and I can totally see why. I think she speaks to everybody.

The idea of life being a celebration of the 'journey' and not the 'destination' is not a particularly new concept, I see it bounced around in quotes on Pinterest and on the web in various forms. Yes I'm all about embracing the moment (though like most people I get caught up in the rush of life and I forget!) but I really loved Brene's spin on things.

'Showing up' is an incredibly powerful statement.

Sometimes we can fool ourselves into thinking we are stepping into our power and living up to our potential by making plans, thinking about what we will do, reading all the books, speaking the speak....

BUT 'showing up' is in the doing. It's the stepping out into real life and putting those thoughts into actions.  Showing up is the tough part; the real crux of vulnerability. It's the risk taking and the potential for failure.

Showing up is saying 'YES' to life.

It takes us out of hiding- whether that be physical or mental, there is no going back once that step has been taken. Showing up is how you present yourself to the world… Do you play big? Or do you keep yourself small? Of course it can also be a mix of both.

I have had recently been digging deeper into this in my own life. I am aware that I show up so much more powerfully in so many areas then I ever did before, yet in others I still play it small and so have been working through why that might be. I've uncovered a few key things that really stood out to me and that will form another separate post in coming weeks. I realised that in the areas of my life that are most important to me, the aspects of life where I could stand to lose most of all, the expectations of myself are so much higher that the risk of failure is the greatest.

I'd love for you to take a moment to reflect on how are you showing up in life. Are you where you want to be or are you holding back? I'd love to have a conversation with you on this, a totally complimentary brainstorm from a space of curiosity.

Get in touch if you are ready to step out and get curious.

P.s that photo is of me half way round the Tough Mudder obstacle course when I'd just climbed out of a huge vat of ice water... at that point i'm not sure if the pain was more mental or physical!!


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