Chia-choc shake... and new FREE ebook!

Long time readers will know I collaborate with Real Food Source to develop recipes and create ebooks.... well, there is now a new additional to the ebook collection!

The little book of chia seeds!  

One of my favourite and most versatile vegan baking and nutritional ingredients. 



(note: if you are not in the UK you can still download the book, if it asks you to enter an address during the checkout process just make one up or put 'dots' in the boxes to get past the system!)

Taken from their website: "We love chia seed here at the RealFoodSource and we've put together our fifth little free recipe ebook packed full of inspirational Chia recipes. We also share 10 simple ways to add them to your diet.  It includes our favourite breakfast, savoury and sweet recipes, did you know chia seeds make an egg replacement for baking and can make a fantastic pizza base?  As always the recipes are all super simple to create with most taking 5-10 minutes max to prepare.  All of the recipes are gluten, dairy and soy free, vegan and quite a few are paleo/primal too so there's something for everyone for free!"

I shared the recipe below for a chocolate chia snake in the book and it's now on their website too. Thick and creamy shake or pudding... perfect as a summer dessert or snack. Grinding the chia seeds creates an extra super smooth and thick texture which is perfect for people who are not such a fan of the unique texture of chia in it's whole seed form.  For a pudding, simply increase the chia to 3-4 tablespoons and serve in little ramekins.

You could also dollop a little coconut cream on top, or why not try this creamy concoction plus some fruit or cacao nibs on top... so many options!


How do you most enjoy chia seeds?

For a little more inspiration, here are some more of the recipe ideas from my blog archives... click!

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