PB&J cinnamon tofu sandwich... protein packed!

Whilst I was experimenting with Keto eating, boosting my protein without beans and pulses needed a little more planning. 

I don't tend to cook with a lot of tofu, partly because I don't really enjoy it as a meat substitute but also because tofu tends to get a bit of a bad rap on terms of digestibility and it being more processed than other food options. I also eat soy yoghurt as my go-to non dairy option (convenience more than anything) so I don't want to rely on tofu in other forms and overdo it.

All that said, there are times when it is a great low carb, high protein boost. I really enjoy it in chocolate mousses an baked croutons (recipe in my book) or now ...as a sandwich! It made great 'bread'.

It worked really well here as a sweet option. Though I imagine a savoury filling and seasoning would be good. I served it hot and crisp from the pan. If it cooled I imagine it could get a little rubbery... i'll leave you to test that :-)

I used a handful of raspberries that I mashed with chia seed to make a quick 'jam'. Depending on how much fruit you used would depend if it fell into the keto camp in terms of carb count. You could literally use a thin layer as a little taste which a big slather of peanut (or even better almond) butter.

Recipe: PB&J cinnamon tofu sandwich


  • 4 slices packaged tofu (approx 8-10mm thick)
  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • few drops stevia


  • handful raspberries (or other berries)
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • approx 1/4 cup peanut butter (or other nut butter)


Mix the berries and chia on a small bowl and set aside.

Slice the tofu and lightly press it to rid some of the water. Warm the coconut oil in a frying pan (or griddle for pretty lines!) then add the cinnamon, vanilla and stevia and swirl around the pan to mix.

Fry the tofu slices in the oil mix until cooked through, crispy and golden- approx 5 mins turning halfway. 

Serve hot as a stack layered up with nut butter and the chia jam.

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Mantra for Monday no. 128