Easy Easter no-bake slices

I'm bringing you a keto inspired round up of meal and recipes in the next few days, walking you through how I went a month on a super low carb, fat fuelled diet... but for today, we are rocking the Easter thing!!

Only just over a week to go. I can't believe I haven;t brought you more before now! Ooops...

I've been busy concocting Easter recipes for Real Food Source (yes this was indeed tricky and full of crazy temptation in the midst of keto- my mum did a lot of the eating!) and so today I want to share with you these seriously simple no-bake slices.  Whilst by no means keto, these are still a great low carb treat, packed full of good fats and unrefined coconut sugar chocolate (that stuff is soooo good!) 

I love layered up desserts and you could top them within anything that takes your fancy. Here I used macadamias and a few cranberries and choc chunks.  Chill the slices well and cut with a sharp knife for a super neat edge.  These freeze well too if you don' t trust yourself enough to keep them on the kitchen counter! :-)

You'll find the full recipe HERE over on Real Food Source.

Note: I've used their ingredients, but you can use roasted almond butter, or make your own. Any unrefined syrup would work well too.

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Quick hemp and avocado 'coodles'