'The Why Behind Your Goals' - New Thrive Magazine feature!

Last week I was so excited to be published in Thrive Magazine featuring not one BUT two articles!

A recipe (one of my favourites from way back when I first transitioned to a plan based diet!) and little coaching focussed article.  


Sue- the creator of the magazine- has kindly let me share the articles in full for you here. Her words were:

 "I started Thrive to share all the healthy, info available so share, share away".

Such a beautiful sentiment and so I hope if you like the articles and appreciate the beautiful layout and all the hard work Sue has put in behind the scenes you might pop along to the website to check out the free sample and maybe download a copy.  I can honesty say it is an absolutely beautiful magazine.


I'm always on a mission to dive deeper and understand what truly creates change, what helps us stick to goals, why we self-sabotage and so many other 'frustrations' we all have in our lives when it comes to reaching our potential.  Here are a few words on the theme of goals.

Oh and a recipe... anyone remember it? Way back here in January 2012- wow! 

It was one of the first plant based recipes I cooked for my family and then for my work colleagues. It is also the recipe that I mention to others who come to me for advice and meal ideas for cooking for a veggie, veggie, coeliac or picky eater... nearly everyone I know likes a comforting curry dish!

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Mantra for Monday no. 126