Halloween Chocolate Tiffin!

I originally made this Chocolate tiffin recipe in the run up to Christmas last year and I've recreated a Halloween themed version for Real Food Source using many of their ingredients.

Halloween Chocolate Tiffin!

It was a winning recipe back then and now it's gone even healthier with a green frosting in place of the dark chocolate topping. I put this question out on my Instagram page and on Facebook…

What makes it so green?

I had a few guesses and the answer is… Wheatgrass powder!  I blended it with coconut oil to get the firmer texture once chilled and cashew butter for a creamy richness plus a little coconut syrup and vanilla bean for sweetness and flavour. You can't taste the wheatgrass once it's slathered over this beautiful chocolate base, I promise! You could probably use any greens powder such of spirulina or chlorella if you have those instead of wheatgrass, but I haven't tested those.

It's a no-bake recipe and that's always a winner, it's perfect for making with children too!


Head over to Real Rood Source to find the full recipe here!

Halloween Chocolate Tiffin!
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