I bring gifts.... a book, a giveaway and a new course!

(So, it's kind of like the three kings but better!)

Happy Tuesday everyone! I say that because I feel it's a bit late in the day to still be saying Happy New Year, and in any case I feel as though everyday day should be the best day of the year... everyday has the huge potential to be something amazing! Don't simply save that privilege for a New Year or even a new week or month for that matter.

Want something? Go get it right NOW! There will never be a perfect time.


I wanted to check in with you all today as I have a new gift coming up!

A Book!

I have been crafting a new book for you all and will be releasing this as a download link within my newsletter in a couple of weeks time, so it will be available FREE to you all wherever you are in the world. You need to be on my mailing list to get it.... sign up in the side bar now! :-)

The book will be available as an email download for my newsletter subscribers only.... I will release it in two weeks time! Therefore, I would be hugely grateful if you could give maybe have a think for 10 seconds of any friends or family you feel could benefit... then forward them this email so they can hop on to my website and sign up to my mailing list too, and be in the know with all the gifts I have waiting in the wings for you!

A Giveaway!

In conjunction with the book there will be an amazing giveaway happening around that same time (details to be confirmed in the next few days but it will UK only- sorry!)

A Course!

I also have 4-week a course come up in February. It's a condensed version of a longer 9-week course I wrote last year over many hours of exploration and research into what makes people tick when it comes to sugar... yes SUGAR! The big difference with my course compared to the many out there is that I wrote all myself- no templates e-course bought off the shelf and rebranded. 100% my own work. It also combines, a weekly email programme structure, a small group interactive option as well as 1-1 sessions direct with me and a 'future proofing' strategy to carry forward into your everyday lives. 

'Sugar' an area of nutrition I am so passionate about and I am so excited to be able to bring it to you. I am finalising the details as I speak and will update you on all the info soon. As it will involve 1-1 sessions (via Skype) as part of the programme  numbers will be very limited.  If you are in any way interested... please ping me an email and I can answer any question you may have.  

P.s here is a teaser of the book....

The purpose of this book is NOT to promote a ‘cleanse’ or ‘detox’ as seems to be everywhere at this time of year... but simply to provide a collection of 30 (yes 30!!) recipes that could help give your body a little boost when you are feeling a bit sluggish or lacking in energy. That's all of us, right? So it's a gentle kick-start if you like!

Reminder... the book will be a one-time only gift to my newsletter subscribers only!

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My meditation… Finding a pause in the day


Chocolate peanut butter fudge porridge