Introducing Sugar Free September!!

It came to my attention that lots of people in the foodie blog world get involved with 'Sugar Free September' 

Well, it's as if that theme is made just for me!

I have a sweet tooth, there is no denying it… well the name of my website would tend to imply that fact! I fully believe you can live a healthy whole foods lifestyle AND still eat cake! 

So for my take on ‘Sugar Free September’ starting tomorrow over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram I will be bringing you a top tip each day of the week to help you on your journey to sugar free health, encourage creativity in the kitchen or just simply to inspire a few new healthy changes in your life.

Here is how I eat sweet without sugar, and how you can do it too!

Hope to see you there... feel free to share your own tips and journeys.

p.s This is an article on the subject of sugar I had published a week or so ago. I was very proud and it fits the theme perfectly and so I wanted to share with you here (click the image to zoom in a bit)

What are you're favourite sugar free recipes? Mine is still this crazy courgette celebration cake, so indulgent and totally foolproof and those I have made it for (many!!) are always full of amazement when I tell them what what's in it!

P.s I am planning talks, workshops and programmes all on the subject of sugar free satisfaction... to make sure you don't miss out on the details join my newsletter to hear all the details plus I often have special offers and extra titbits!  

You also get this sugar free e-book with my full colour top 10 sweets recipes- winner!!

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Raw chocolate hazelnut bars


Cherry, carrot and carob oat bake