Happy 3rd Birthday Including Cake!

It's been a crazy eventful week... more Wholeplus excitement on the horizon and some great new coaching opportunities too. In amongst the happy emotions it was also brought to my attention that: 

My blog was three years old on Tuesday!

It made me sit back and reflect a little on all that's changed in that time, and for someone who  is very quick to undervalue my achievements, even I can see that a lot has changed.

When I first began my blog it was purely on a whim, I spent so much time being inspired by  recipes on other peoples blogs and I figured "why don't I just start my own" not realising how much hard work goes into creating such a website presence. All I knew was that I liked designing things, I liked sharing food and liked taking photos so it seemed obvious to write my own blog...yes? What I didn't appreciate or understand at that time was how to put myself out there in the world and share what i had with others… That has been a huge area of growth for me over the last three years and something that continues to be a work in progress. It is still something that pushes the edges of my comfort zone on a daily basis.

When I first started I had absolutely no game plan; I was literally using it as a space to talk about things I'd experimented with, with some photography thrown in for good measure. It was a simple as that. I had a inkling of an idea at the back of my mind that I'd like it to be more than a hobby but I had no idea how that could happen in real life.

It was just a dream.

I was still working an office job as an architect. I had no intention of becoming a health coach and I certainly had no plans to launch a health food business... what kind of a crazy idea was that- I have no business savvy skills!! To be honest I didn't even know how long I would write this blog. It makes me smile now but I distinctly remember a couple of weeks in, sitting down at the dining room table and writing list of recipe ideas to make, I came to about 20 before I had a mental block. "Oh well, that will take me through to nearly Christmas" I thought to myself. 

In case you're curious here is my original post, it talks about my newly expanding mindset, it talks about the boy who, whilst no longer in my life in that same capacity, still impacts my thoughts on a daily basis and my drive to continually explore and not settle for societies expectation. It talks about my early steps and thought processes in transitioning to a plant-based whole foods lifestyle. I'm now fully plant-based which was a natural progression for me over the months that followed as I become more knowledgeable and passionate.

The words in that post that resonate most with me are:

"I am simply a girl in a world wanting to be the best she can".  

That still stands today... but more than that, in understanding more deeply who I am and the gifts that this knowledge has broughts to my life I, more than ever, want to help others seek ways to become the best they can too.

In reflecting back on these last 3 years... I wrote a list of events that marked new chapters and pivotal achievements in my life.. some big, some small but all with meaning. I share them with you here.

Now, why not take a moment to look back on your last 3 years, wherever you are in your life right now. Are you proud? Are you frustrated?

Either way, embrace your reactions with a curiosity. Celebrate your progress or learn from them and grow.

Strive to live the life you know you have within you.


 I'd love you to join me in other places too!  

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers  plus me FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus.  Day to day you can always find me in these places:

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Cherry, carrot and carob oat bake


Courgette Curry Soup