'Clean Eating' breakfast round up!

My '21 Day Lemon water Challenge' starts on Monday... have you joined the group yet?

No...? Check out this link and get in on the action, it's a free challenge so what are you waiting for. I have created a tips and countdown calendar print out available to download direct from the event page, plus if you sign up to my newsletter by midnight Sunday you'll get a mini detox guide absolutely free (those already on my mailing list will get it too!). You can use this alongside the lemon water challenge as an optional bonus or simply as a little inspiration.

I have had a lot of questions bouncing around in relation to the challenge and one of those was:

"what would be an ideal breakfast to follow on from the lemon water cleanse?"

Obviously since follow a plant based diet my answers might be a little different to some others, but at the same time there are many recipes I have to offer and some general principles I would advise. When it comes to cleansing the body, plant based foods do offer some incredible benefits in helping the body detoxify.

The general principles are outlines below and I thought this would also be an ideal opportunity for a little breakfast round up to showcase a few options to help inspire your own creations... most options can be modified to suit, so if you are soy free, nut free etc most of these recipes can easily  be adapted for you. Some people prefer a heart breakfast whilst others prefer a light one and then another snack before lunch... there are some ideas for everyone.

No matter what time of the morning you have your first meal these are some general principles I follow:

 • Pack in the antioxidants: berries, green veggies and super foods like maca, chia flax etc

 • Go wheat free: I personally feel that gluten is more taxing on the body (regardless on whether you have a sensitivity or not) and so a gluten free breakfast (or at least wheat free as I often use oats) is easier on the digestive system. Also as a nation we eat so much refined wheat in general, it's a good principle to reduce.

• Quit the sugar! If you prefer a sweet breakfast (like me!) then sweeten with fruit only or a little natural stevia (see food basics menu tab for more info).

• Probiotics are great: If you have the option, add a small glass of kombucha or coconut keffir or another source of natural probiotics (even from a good quality capsule) which can help give your digestive tract a boost.

Some recipes round-up Ideas:

Raspberry chia pudding (great for dessert of breakfast! You can also substitute other berries or soft fresh fruits)

Superfood Granola (make ahead for great nibbly snacks): 

Pear and ginger carrot porridge (I love adding veggies to my porridge!)

Creamy quinoa porridge (a great protein rich alternative to using oats- or use part quinoa and part oats)

Cashew cream (great as a non-dairy alternative with fruit/nuts etc)

Or if you prefer something of the less sweet more savoury variety...

The beginner green smoothie (of course!)

Chickpea cauliflower quiche (can be prepared ahead, sliced kept in the fridge and eaten cold- yum!) 

Smashed avocado crackers (oat crackers are a great alternative to regular wheat)

What is you favourite clean eating breakfast recipe?

Feel free to post links if you like!


I'd love you to join me in other places too!  

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers  plus me FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus.  Day to day you can always find me in these places:


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