Mantra for Monday no. 112


A couple of weeks ago I had a catch up with a new friend on who thinks a lot like me. She acted like a mirror and questioned back to me my own fears and self doubt- why are they there? I couldn’t really answer that.  Anyway I must have subconsciously been having a reflective weekend as I randomly wrote this poem late on a Saturday night after a quote I happened to see (the first line is actually the quote by Jessica Ortner from her new book The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence). 

The poem isn't specifically about me, but the negative self talk we all tend to give ourselves at times in whatever aspect of our lives. Negative self talk is a destructive process and slows our progress in becoming our best selves. In your own moments of negativity, be mindful, be accepting and be loving to yourself. Be open to opportunities that you will never see if you mind is filled with negativity.

I hadn't originally planned to share it with you, it was written on a whim and I feel as though I'm baring my soul a little (but that in itself is a good thing). After encouragement to share it from another friend I showed it to, here it is.

I'd love to know how you feel in moments of negativity and what you do to help yourself change the mindset?

Have a beautiful week. xx


What is Mantra for Monday?


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Silent Sunday no. 112