Mantra for Monday no. 107

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I saw this quote on a blog post that popped into my inbox. I love it. Doesn't it just sum up life?

Life is becoming sunnier. When the sun shines down on the world it's as if my heart literally warms up. I become a calmer kinder person, and the person I become kinder to is myself. I am notoriously self critical but somehow sunshine changes things, it throws open a new perspective and just like my daily juice creates a magical elixir to fire my soul.

I am constantly creative and so you could say I constantly play. Yet 'play' needs to take the form of downtime, of silliness, or stringing random worlds together, of making tents with blankets, of picnics in the park, of laughing uncontrollably.... all those thing so easily get overlooked and I find that for days on end I have not really be 'playing' at all.

Right now maybe there are three simple things I need in my life: 

Love, Sunshine, Broccoli Warm, Lift and Nourish my soul.


What is Mantra for Monday?


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Silent Sunday no. 107