Pancake crazy.... 'the triple chocolate banana'!

It's coming... Pancake Day is almost here!

Tuesday 4th March is Shrove Tuesday in the UK. Where else in the world celebrates? Do you...?

Either way pancakes need to excuse for a celebration. 

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Indulge... Breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, dessert. There is always time for a pancake (or two)

Yesterday I was on a pancake making mission... I created 5 flavour combos and I am going to blog all but one of them everyday between now and Tuesday (yes i know that equals 4 flavours but the other flavour tasted good but I kind of... um, burnt them so they won't be featured).

The pancakes themselves use the same base with different mix-ins. I made these gluten free for inclusiveness for all, but I know these would also work well with spelt flour (and probably regular flour), they would probably be a little more fluffy that way based on my previous experiences of GF vs spelt flour.

Two quick tips before I start (based on the mistakes i made in my first attempt). Don't make the panbcakes too large- keep them smaller than the palm of your hand, they'll be hard to flip over otherwise. Also don't have the heat of the stove too high otherwise the outside will begin to burn before the inside is fully cooked.

First up... triple chocolate pancakes. Yeah, you heard me :-)

The following few days will feature the recipes shown up top... lemon and blueberry, chunky trail mix and raspberry and beet. Watch this space!

Oh, and if you fancy more of a classic British style pancake.... check out this post.

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Recipe: Triple chocolate banana pancakes

(the basic recipe was lightly adapted from this recipe on Oh She Glows)

Makes approx 12 pancakes - (feel free to halve the mix if you prefer)


  • 1/2 heaped cup brown rice flour (or spelt)
  • 1/2 heaped cup buckwheat flour (pr spelt)
  • 1/4 scant cup arrowroot (or other starch)
  • 3 tbs cocoa powder
  • 2 heaped tsp baking powder
  • 2 cups non-dairy milk of choice*
  • 2-3 tbs unrefined syrup of choice* (adjust to taste as these are only slightly sweet based on extra sweet toppings being added)
  • 2 tbs ground flax or chia
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch salt
  • 1/4 cacao nibs or dark choc chips to mix through- optional
  • chocolate drizzle sauce- I used this one
  • chopped bananas to serve in a stack

* liquid quantity may vary slightly depending on mix-ins used. For sweetness you may also use stevia or another form of sweetener, if so increase liquid slightly. 


Blend all ingredients (other than toppings) together to get a thick smooth batter. Add the liquid slowly to ensure the smoothest mixture.

Heat a non-stick saucepan with a little coconut oil (or other oil of choice) and spoon dollops of batter into the pan. Cook for 2-3 mins on one side, flip and cook for a minute on the other. 

Serve immediately or keep warm in the oven on a low heat until all are ready together. 

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choc pancake 3a.jpg

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Pancake crazy.... 'the lemon and blueberry'!


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