Pancake crazy.... 'the chunky trail mix'!

Day three in pancake land... and I think these were favourite flavour combo of all!

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I think the reason I loved these so much was the texture... chunky juicy, crispy and full of flavour from the cinnamon and spices (I was generous with the cinnamon!)  The amount of mix-ins I stated in the recipes is a guide- basically you want enough batter to stick the trail mix together with it the pancakes falling apart :-)

I added a dollop of warmed PB and soy yoghurt to finish the whole thing off. The most satisfying pancakes I've had in a long time.

When it come to trail mix everyone has there own favourites ingredients... so what would you add in yours?

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Recipe: Chunky trail mix pancakes 

(the basic recipe was lightly adapted from this recipe on Oh She Glows)

Makes approx 12 pancakes - (feel free to halve the mix if you prefer)


  • 1/2 heaped cup brown rice flour (or spelt)

  • 1/2 heaped cup buckwheat flour (or spelt)

  • 1/4 scant cup arrowroot (or other starch)

  • 2 heaped tsp baking powder

  • 2 cups non-dairy milk of choice*

  • 2-3 tbs unrefined syrup of choice* (adjust to taste as these are only slightly sweet)

  • 2 tbs ground flax or chia

  • 1/3 cup seed/nuts

  • 1/3 cup granola (or more seeds/nuts)

  • 1/3 cup raisins or other chopped dried fruit

  • cinnamon or other spices to taste

  • pinch salt

  • nut butter and yoghurt to serve- optional 

* liquid quantity may vary slightly depending on mix-ins used. For sweetness you may also use stevia or another form of sweetener, if so increase liquid slightly. 


Blend all ingredients (other than granola/seeds/fruit) together to get a thick smooth batter. Add the liquid slowly to ensure the smoothest mixture. Stir through the trail mix ingredients last.

Heat a non-stick saucepan with a little coconut oil (or other oil of choice) and spoon dollops of batter into the pan. Cook for 2-3 mins on one side, carefully flip and cook for a minute on the other. 

Serve immediately or keep warm in the oven on a low heat until all are ready together.

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trail mix pancake 2a.jpg

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