Grain-free almond mince pies... with sugar-free mincemeat filling!
Christmas is not complete without mince pies!
... and these mince pies are one of my favourite recipe so I wanted to share it with you here today. I don't always have much luck with gluten free pastry and my first attempt at these mince pies were a little overdone... keep an eye on the oven as they don't take long to cook! You'll also need to be fairly gentle when forming the pastry cases. But they taste yummy!
I also made the mincemeat... it was this recipe from years ago (excuse the photo quality!) except I used goji berries instead of cranberries this time which was a great twist... particularly since regular cranberries come coated with sugar whereas goji's don't.
The mincemeat is so good... here are a few other ways to use it...
still my favourite... Christmas baked oatmeal made even better with homemade mincemeat!
The best christmas baked oatmeal.... the mincemeat really brings it to life!
Recipe: Grain Free mince pies
1 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup fine almond flour
2 tbs melted coconut oil
1 tbs ground chia plus 2 tbs hot water
1 tbs coconut syrup (or sweetener of choice)
Mix the ground almonds fine almond flour together then add the wet ingredients to the mix to form a dough. It should be sticky enough to hold together but not too sticky it won’t roll out, dust with extra fine almond flour if needed.
Roll out onto a dusted parchment paper to approx. 3mm thick and cut circles for the bottoms and shaped tops as desired.
Very carefully and loosely press the circular bottoms into pie trays (they may crack if you are not careful- patch with extra dough if needed). Fill the cases with mincemeat and lay the pastry top over. Glaze with non dairy milk and sprinkle with extra coconut sugar or mixed spice.
Bake at 160C for approx 10 minutes, watch carefully for burning as the edges will go brown very quickly.