Chocolate Peanut butter fridge fudge... a new favourite!

Have you checkout out the Real Food Source Coconut Oil book yet?

One of my favourite recipes that I created for the book is the chocolate walnut fridge fudge, for both it's simplicity and versatility (yup, two of my favourite words on this blog!) so I have since made numerous variations on the theme with slightly different ingredient profiles... today I want to share my current favourite...

Chocolate Peanut butter fridge fudge.

Mmmm, doesn't that  just sound amazing. Just say it slowly and let the words roll over your tongue...

You can use other nut butters, but peanut imparts a beautiful complimentary flavour whilst being the most cost effective nut butter out there so perfect for experiments when you aren't sure how things will turn out (yep that's me then!). For those with nut allergies sunbutter can be substituted too. I used cacao liquor and cocoa butter to help create a lovely firm fudge, but I have also made this with ¼ cup coconut oil instead of the cocoa butter which produces a slightly softer fudge.

I have been investigating and experimenting a little with low carb diets recently, and for those that follow a lower carb food philosophy (or not) this little treat is perfect. You can make a big batch and store chunks in the freezer. I also like this approach since when treats are in front of my eyes on the counter top or in the fridge, i'm often tempted to go a little overboard.

P.s I've made this fudge as gifts already so I will say now that this will be perfect for Christmas. Are we allowed to talk about Christmas yet? It's November so I say yes!! :-)

Recipe: Chocolate Peanut butter fridge fudge

Makes approx 24 squares


  • 300g peanut butter (or other nut butter)

  • ¼ cup cacao liquor

  • ½ cup dates coarsely ground (or approx. 3 tbs syrup of choice)

  • 3 tbs cocoa butter*

  • 1 tbs vanilla

  • handful of cacoa nibs on top- optional 


Melt the cocoa butter and cacoa liquor and then mash/blend all ingredients together ensuring no lumps remain mix the broken walnut pieces through last, if using.

Spread and press the soft mixture into the bottom of a lined loaf pan, add the cacao nibs to the top and allow to set hard in the fridge before slicing. Keep stored in the fridge or freezer.

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Silent Sunday no. 124


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