'Sugar free' satisfaction... top 5 recipe roundup!

I know many of you may well be in the midst of a January detox.... or have at least entertained the concept. 

I thought about it, and even wrote myself a 3-day plan (soups and smoothies), though I haven't fully embraced it and gone all out. The soups and smoothies have simply formed part of my days... I guess i'm still just weaning my self off the Christmas excess. Believe me there was a lot of excess... I went a bit overboard this year! 

That said I do think detoxing your body from refined foods and sugar is always a very very good thing. So if you are in the same camp as me and haven't gone all out in detox mode maybe this little round out of my favourite totally sugar feee recipes will tempt you to kickstart January and hopefully beyond.

The nice thing about writing round-up posts is that it always reminds me of recipes I'd forgotten about- so it feels like it's given me new things to try too!

Let me know what you try and if you have sugar-free treat recipes of your own, please let me know or feel free to link up your recipe in the comments so others can see too!


Banana Bread 'Cupcake'

Crazy Courgette Cake

...can you even believe this is sugar free!

I'd love you to join me in other places too!  

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