Mantra for Monday no. 89

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I love the simplicity, the comedy and ultimately the truth within this quote.

I am not sure where it originated as I saw the words on my Instagram feed and could not find an original source to credit.  In any case I am sure it has made quite a few people smile.

I think part of why I identified with it so much, is that we often forget to give ourselves credit for our successes, the proud moments and the little day to day achievements. When we audition or go for an interview we put ourselves forward in a capable light, showing the best of ourselves to show others that we truly are the best candidate for the role.

So, why do we not give ourselves the same credit and apply the status in our day to day lives? 

Be yourself. You are already good enough. 

This quote was also fitting after intrigue from some followers arose as to my scholarship submission. To qualify for the board review I was required to submit a 500 word statement describing how I would help my community upon qualifying as a Life and Personal Performance Coach, since the scholarship funding requires the selected candidate to complete a number of hours coaching pro-bono publico within their local community upon completion of the course. For anyone interested this was my submission.


Courgette chutney


Silent Sunday no. 89