I'm going to be a Health and Personal Development Coach!!

coching diplomas.jpg

NOTE: after writing the first few paragraphs I realised how much I was waffling before getting to the point of this intro post...jump down to 'so why coaching' if you prefer'!

I mentioned it briefly before in this post, but I am now officially a student again.... watching lectures and taking notes, writing assignments and hitting deadlines...

I would never have imagined that happening after graduation from University with a degree in Interior Design over 8 years ago. I had no plans to continue further study at that point, not least in a whole new direction!

How things change.

I never imagined a career in food, nutrition or holistic wellness. It seems a far cry from drawing boxes on a computer screen!

But the one thing that has remained throughout, the one thing that has carried through and been nurtured since childhood and the one thing I imagine will continue until the day I die..

My curiosity for creativity.

...I literally cannot stop thinking and creating, a physical manifestation of the ideas that continue to pop up my head. Whether it be through painting and drawing (i used to do both pretty well during my school years), photography (still love it), dance choreography (I am also pole fitness instructor on the side), writing and poetry (i dabble) and now...recipe development.

My drive to create and inspire others creativity will never cease. That much I do know.

So why coaching?  

I never really asked myself that question, I kind of just grew into it and it became an obvious scenario. 

At the end of last year I went on a two day mini life coaching course with The Coaching Academy
I loved it and i felt totally in my element. I felt as though I had something to give, I learnt from the people in front of me and in the process I learnt so much about myself. I felt such a buzz in that positive atmosphere full of people wanting to grow and develop.

At the same time I had been also keeping a close eye on the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I had their weekly emails pop up in my inbox and my curiosity grew, it sounded right up my street! But location made me stall in my decision making, the course was based in the USA and was all online with no 'people time' whereas the Life and Personal Performance Coaching course with The Coaching Acadmcy was based in the UK with 'fast track weekends' in each module that were centred on all students meeting up for practice coaching and live lectures, similar to the weekend i first went on that so inspired me.  

I was torn. Life Coaching or Health Coaching?   

In the end I came to a different conclusion. I would do both courses. Simultaneously.  

There will be overlaps, but I feel the two courses together will help set me up in the best possible way. I had already applied to the IIN when I contacted TCA and was informed I could apply for a scholarship. I applied with an essay centred around what I would give back to the community upon qualifying, and if accepted I would receive finding in return for offering pro-bono sessions to the community.

I won the scholarship!! It's going to be a busy year ahead!

So, over the coming weeks and months as both courses get well underway I will add a few notes whenever I have something of interest to say. The posts will always feature the banner at the top, so if you only hang around these parts for the recipes then that's cool as you'll know to skip the update posts with my ramblings ...but I hope some of you will stay for the ride! 

P.s I've added a tab at the top under wellness for an archive of these posts. 


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