Mantra for Monday no. 88

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I love this quote and I love the book it came from.  

I've been listening to A Life Without Limits on audiobook for the last couple of weeks when i've been out for a run (or a power walk) and it's so inspiring- it actually makes me want to run faster!

One thing that is slightly scary is that I identify with some of the things she says a little too much... the pursuit for perfection that can ultimately be self destructive. Whilst I will say that my mental and emotional perspectives are far less extreme than Chrissie's it does remind me that I still need to learn to cut myself some slack in order to gain the most joy from this life and the moments that make it. 

When it comes to having an open mind, I'm definitely working on that and doing a pretty good job! I have come so far over these last couple of years and so many more opportunities have presented themselves during the process of 'opening up' that I wouldn't otherwise have 'seen' or have been approached with. What I need to now learn is to embrace those opportunities and see where they lead- that's the scariest part of all.... it's not the hard work, and not the open mind... it's following through with where it my all lead. The unknown!

Realising your true potential will always be a trek into the unknown. 

What is Mantra for Monday?

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Silent Sunday no. 88