Spaghetti with roast asparagus and oregano

This has been one of my favourite meals of late, in part because of its simplicity but also because it's spaghetti

...actual spaghetti! 

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I'm so used to following a diet low in wheat which is fine, but occasionally I really fancy a bit if pasta. So the reason this meal made me super happy is because the spaghetti is special, it's gluten free quinoa and rice spaghetti that I bought in a local health shop some weeks ago and promptly forgot I had. It tastes so good and not at all gummy and the roasted vegetables and light sauce were a perfect compliment!

Use whatever seasonal vegetables you have to hand, here I've used chopped asparagus and broad beans tossed together with a little red onion, some cherry tomatoes and a light covering of garlicky tomato sauce- garlic is another flavour I use not nearly often enough, no idea why not!.

This was the perfect meal for a balmy summer evening sat out in the patio with my mum.

Tea for two!

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Recipe: Spaghetti with roasted asparagus and oregano

serves 2


spaghetti of choice- I used rice and quinoa gluten free spaghetti

veg to roast:

  • 1 cup sliced asparagus

  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes- halved

  • 1 small red onion (or a leek) sliced

  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs and a pinch of sea salt and a tsp oil

other veg:

  • 1/2 cup broad beans


  • 3-4 cloved crushed garlic

  • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar

  • 2 tbs tomato paste

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 2 tbs fresh oregano (added last)


Prepare the veg for roasting and mix with the oil and herbs. Roast for approx 15-20 mins (depending on the thickness of the asparagus) until the asparagus is golden- don’t over cook it. Add the tomatoes in the final 5 minutes, 

Meanwhile cook the spaghetti according to instructions on pack- mine took just under 15 mins. Add the broads beans or other beans, if using, to the spaghetti pan in the final few minutes cooking time.

Prepare the sauce by mixing all ingredients together.

Once the spaghetti and beans are cooked drain and coat with sauce, warm on the stove for a few minutes mixing the fresh oregano through last. Serve into pasta bowls and add the roasted veggies on top, or mix through as desired.

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