In the moment... 'silenced by a mantra'

Oh dear.... i've done it again, this time I missed a Sunday. No idea how that actually happened, since I had a photo in mind to post taken during my mini-break over the last few days.

Well, to make it up to you, i give you a double whammy.... a 'silent' and a 'mantra'. Instead of one photo I'd like to share with you a few photos of my trip and in particular my beach run on Saturday morning, not least because the stillness, the wind in my face, the miles of sand between my toes (thank you Vibram fivefingers) and the lack of people made for a stunningly beautiful space.  

I also made a mini video- my first go at using the Instagram video tool... it's far from a great video and i was looking rather dishevelled having already run 8k of my 11k run...but it sums up how i felt in those very moments....ALIVE!

Click the photo itself below (taken directly on my phone mid run) to see the video.

Tell me, what brings you alive? I mean truly alive...


cliffs panoramic reduced.jpg
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Hot chocolate cherry pots​.... 2 mins and done!


Inspired in July