Mantra for Monday no. 98

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Today's Mantra was was triggered by a status on Facebook that was posted by a lady on a page I follow. The post started and finished as follows: 

"One Little Word for 2014. For the last 7 years I've chosen a word that emcompasses my desires, hopes and goals for the upcoming year. A word that has meaning, that I can fall back on in times of need and push me to move forward and better myself...

...Just putting this out there to see if anyone wants to join in? Just pick a word that speaks to you. One that will help you move forward in 2014

I loved the idea and the sentiment behind the post, as well all the inspiring comments from others that were beginning to grow beneath.  So I thought for a few minutes and this is my word, and my comment:


...Embrace both my strengths and weaknesses, embrace my family and appreciate their differences, embrace the unknown, embrace fear and do it anyway, embrace life and everything it throws at me. I have many scary and exciting times ahead of me as I finish two courses and set up my business but instead of being scared and overwhelmed as I've felt so many times this year I want to embrace these feelings and run with it wherever it takes me.

What word would you choose to take forward with you into 2014?


What is Mantra for Monday?

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Silent Sunday no. 98