Thanksgiving roundup...simple recipes!

It's almost thanksgiving!  

Even though I'm over in the UK and we don't traditonally celebrate... that wasn't going to stop me getting involved and having a little celebration with you too and getting into the spirit with a recipe round-up :-)

To get in the mind set, I envisaged myself preparing for Christmas just without the associated decorations and specific traditional Christmas foods (like Yule log). At Christmas I sit down at the table with my family- pretty table cloth, best cutlery, avoiding putting the chipped plates on the table, nice wine glasses that haven't been buffed up by the dishwasher (though I tend to drink cranberry juice to still look the part!)

Then the food comes out to play, lots of dishes to help ourselves from, usually a main dish and lots of sides. Maybe you have a starter? if so there are soup seasonal soups and salads below. I have included a collection of my favourites nut roasts as for me (since going vegan) that is the most important part of the meal! 

Obviously after filling up on the main course....comes dessert! Sometimes if we are all a little full, we sit back on our chairs and talk for a little while before going in for dessert... need to make lots of room. The dessert below are a collection of both lighter and chocolately desserts, mini versions and puddings- all very pretty and perfect for a special day. These desserts are either quick 5 minute desserts or are the make-ahead variety. So no last minute craziness in the kitchen (though if you are anything like me somehow that always tends to happen).

For those who are celebrating Thanksgiving..... enjoy!! And for those like me that don't traditionally celebrate, why not join with a little feast of your own ;-)

I'd love to hear what your are planning for your main dish and dessert!

thanksgiving roundup.jpg
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