Speedy tahini pea and mushroom soup

It seems that every recipe i post at the moment has the '1-minute' or '5-minute' status!

it seems an indication of the direction my life is going...high speed...non stop. I still haven't mastered the art of slooowing down.

I'm still very much enjoying the creativity of recipe development, it's simply that I haven't got the luxury of time to spend longer than about 10 minutes in the actual cooking process. Most ideas swim around my head for a while, collected and pinned amongst various notes on Evernote and only then do they make it into the kitchen- it's the kitchen part where I struggle for time.

My days are pretty hectic at the moment, studying two courses, producing packs of Wholeplus products amongst the work I do with other companies too. 

So, this soup has been a lifesaver, it's flexible- so throw in any small fridge/freezer veg and it tastes so simple and good I've got quite addicted! If you follow my Instagram you'll note I posted varitions on the theme quite a few times... I just didn't get round to photographing it in the daylight!



Well finally I have captured it on camera! Like I say the ingredients are fairly flexible- as long as they are chopped small however I would encourage you to use either frozen endamame beans or peas and mushrooms as the base (ideally chestnut mushrooms for a slightly nuttier flavour). Being someone you has never liked cooked mushrooms this is a big milestone for me and I think the key is the fact that they are only minimally cooked so don't have the slimy texture that I've never liked! Also, if you use noodles- make sure they are the type that cook within approx 5 mins to match the timings I have listed. 

Go and get to it!

mushroom soup 2a.jpg

Serves 2


  • 1 ½ cup veg broth

  • 2 tsp tahini

  • splash of soy sauce to taste 


  • 1 cup frozen peas or endgame

  • approx. 2cm circumference brown rice noodles or soba noodles (5 min cook time max.)

  • 1 small leek- finely sliced in circles

  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms

  • 1 cup packed spinach

  • Note: other finely cut ingredients optional- i.e. sliced cabbage, sliced peppers...


Whisk wet ingredients together add peas and noodles and bring to the boil. Slice the leek add that, slice the mushrooms and add those for the final 2 minutes cook time. Add spinach (if using) in the final minute.

If using other ingredients (my photos shw red cabbage add those as along with the frozen peas beans).

Serve immediately. 


mushroom soup 3a.jpg
mushroom soup 1a.jpg
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