Inspired in September

Autumn time. The colours are changing as the world clings on to its glory. 

I love this time of year, especially since we've had some warm sun filled days to soften the blow of summer past. I've been out running across the fields in the evening glow.the temperature just right against my skin. I've been for early morning walks into town instead of taking my car. I want to make the most of this time before the evenings draw in and winter coats and scarves become the norm.

It occurred to me that throughout the summer when i've been able to spend so much time outside, my sense of peace and enjoyment of life has peaked so much more often. I don't want to loose this as the seasons change and so i am going to make much more effort to continue this time spent outside no matter what the weather. It really does wondered for the soul. No doubt there will be more on this another time as I continue to delve into my courses. Self reflection is abundant.

So, what has this month brought me?

This month has really been a kickstart for me. A new sense of direction with two new courses to study for. A new job working with The Spine & Wellness Centre as their wellness consultant, and I have been given free reign to really make it my own and strengthen my own confidence and philosophy. It's an amazing opportunity. 

Also in the last few days so exciting news with my Wholeplus products… I have been approached by Saviour Snacks to feature m products in their boxes. It;s early days and the logistics have yet to be confirmed but what an honour in itself.

As we reach the last quarter of this year lets see what else life has in store. 

Be open to all opportunities and smile whenever you can. You can always smile.

Here is my monthly roundup for September…tell me, what were the highlights for you this last month?

  1. study in the sunshine...the best place to be!
  2. My IIN course materials arrived
  3. Loved the way this pepper sat in its paper bag
  4. Fresh figs from Barefoot Therapies garden
  5. Erm.... this courgette got a bit big! 
  6. I had so much kale from my friend's allotment i had to out in in a sandpit to wash it! 
  7. Beautiful sunset runs...lots of those. 
  8. I made dog cookies...a new challenge for me. 
  9. Gift voucher for sharing my favourite smoothie recipe...yay!
  10. New product can see more here
  11. New beetroot smoothie obsession- I have yet to try using raw beets. 
  12. My newest favourite tea flavour
  13. My newest soup obsession...need to get decent photos to get it on the blog! 
  14. I took part in One True Grit...lots of crawling, climbing, running, and MUD! 
  15. My first try at wake fun and an incredible arm workout. 

Follow me on Instagram to keep up with random daily happenings, lots food and other inspirations!

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