Overnight oats cookies!

Simplicity at it’s best!  

It's always good to simplify everything in life where possible...this hugely popular post was a testament to how amazing simplicity can be! 

Simplicity is most definitely where it's at. Starting with these...

I love oats, I love cookies, I love oatmeal....I want it all!  BUT I often don’t want to spend any time at all prepping things in the morning.  Particularly as of late with all the new developments that have been taking place.

It’s needs to be good to go in one quick swoop!

I think I may have an ingenious solution to that demand. The concept of 'overnight oats' saves you time in the morning (and is super healthy) so what if I made up a thick overnight oat mix, infused with chia seed to help thicken, bind and healthify things even more. Then come morning just throw it in the oven? Hmm, what would happen?

Well, I can report that you do indeed get cookies! 

To elaborate a little further I tried two version one with and one without oil, those with the oil were slightly lighter and had a crispness to the outside, though both were soft cookies and both tasted good! I would advise either eating them freshly from the oven or warming again slightly if consuming at a later time. The double bake effect also help crisp up the non-oil cookies. They were softer and a tad rubbery if eaten cold after a period of time (though I still ate them so that’s not to say they are at all bad!)

Add any mix-ins you fancy just before you dollop the cookie mix and pop them in the oven- throw in a handful or this or that. Raisins were a particular favourite for me- sweet and squashy,  I also tried choc chips and pumpkin seeds.  I kept the cookie mix only slightly sweetened for breakfast, but feel free to add a little extra sweetness to taste if desired.

Recipe: Overnight oats cookie

Makes approx 12 cookies


1 ½ cup oats
1 ½ cups non dairy milk of choice
3 tbs maple syrup (or sweetener of choice)
¼ cup flax or chia
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ cup melted coconut oil (optional)
½ cup mix ins- raisins, chocolate chips, nuts, seeds etc


Mix the top 5 ingredients together well in a medium bowl. Allow to sit over night (or for a few hours) the mixture should be very thick and gloopy.

Heat the oven to 180C and mix the coconut oil through the mixture along with any desired mixins. Taste the mixture and add a little extra sweetener if needed.

Dollop balls and flatten on a lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 mins until golden. The cookies will only crisp up a little.

Note: these are soft breakfast cookies but the addition of the oil will make a slightly slighter cookie with crisper edges (I also had success with ‘double baking’ the no oil version).  To achieve a crisper cookie you may try 2-3 tbs of unrefined granulated sugar instead of the syrup- note I have not tried this.

For more oaty goodness check out these recipes!

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.
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