Inspired in April

Well, that was cheeky...May just snuck up on me without so much as a warning, I felt sure there was at least a week of April left!

Well it’s no all bad, actually not bad at all. May is an awesome month...not least because it’s my birthday in less that 2 weeks time! Also spring is here bringing with it blue skies and sunshine (if still pretty chilly) and last but not least also because this May looks set to pretty scary and exciting in equal measures with the launch of my new fitness product range.... and more intense Tough Mudder training.

What is the meaning of life if not scary and exciting?

The latest developments also means I’ve hit a little secret ultimatum I had set myself. Anyway, I will no doubt filling you in on all that very soon, but for is my little Instagram inspired round up of April.

leaping on the life! 
Driving along the beach at sunset...bliss

beautiful views across the Welsh hills

Smoothie time...really getting into them now!

couldn't resist...they were on sale. 
pretty spoons...a present from my dad

more spoon (this time a present to myself)

Green stuff!

My new feet...getting Tough Mudder ready

blue skies 

A bowl of on earth did this one sneak in ;-)

getting ready for the product launch.

You can find me on Instagram here!

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